
International refereed journals

de Munnik, N., Lenzholzer, S. (2020) Revealing urban climate through animated visualizations , Journal of Landscape Architecture 15 (2), 74-85,

Lenzholzer, S., Carsjens, G.J., Brown, R.D, Tavares, S., Vanos, J., Kim, YJ, Lee, K. (2020) Awareness of urban climate adaptation strategies–an international overview, Urban Climate 34, 100705;

Lenzholzer, S., Carsjens, G.J., Brown, R.D, Tavares, S., Vanos, J., Kim, YJ, Lee, K. (2020) Urban climate awareness and urgency to adapt: An international overview, Urban Climate 33, 100667;
Cortesão, J. Lenzholzer, S. Mülder, J., Klok, L., Jacobs, C.,  Kluck, J. (2020) Visual guidelines for climate-responsive urban design, Sustainable Cities and Society 60, 102245; 

Jacobs, C., Klok, L., Bruse, M., Cortesao, J., Lenzholzer, S., Kluck, J. (2020). Are urban water bodies really cooling? Urban Climate, 32, 100607.  

Lenzholzer, S., Nikolopoulou, N. (2020). Foreword to the Special Issue on Subjective Approaches to Thermal Perception, International Journal of Biometeorology,

Lenzholzer, S., de Vries, S. (2020). Exploring outdoor thermal perception—a revised model, International Journal of Biometeorology,

Cortesão J., Lenzholzer, S., Klok, L., Jacobs, C., Kluck, J. (2019) Generating applicable urban design knowledge, Journal of Urban Design,

Lenzholzer, S., Klemm, W., Vasilikou, C. (2018), Qualitative methods to explore thermo-spatial perception in outdoor urban spaces, Urban Climate 23: 231-249

Klemm, W., Lenzholzer, S., Brink, A.v.d., (2018) Developing green infrastructure design guidelines for urban climate adaptation, Journal of Landscape Architecture 12(3) : 60-71;

Lenzholzer, S., Klemm, W., Vasilikou, C. (2018), Qualitative methods to explore thermo-spatial perception in outdoor urban spaces, Urban Climate 23: 231-249,

Klemm, W., van Hove, B., Lenzholzer, S., & Kramer, H. (2017). Towards guidelines for designing parks of the future. Urban forestry & urban greening, 21, 134-145.

Lenzholzer, S., Brown, R. D., (2016) Post-positivist microclimatic urban design research: A review, Landscape and Urban Planning 153: 111–121.

Klemm, W., Heusinkveld, B., Lenzholzer, S., Van Hove, B. (2015) Street greenery and its physical and psychological impact on outdoor thermal comfort, Landscape and Urban Planning 38:87-98.

Mazhar, N., Brown, R. D., Kenny, N., Lenzholzer, S. (2015) Thermal comfort of outdoor spaces in Lahore Pakistan: Lessons for bioclimatic urban design in the context of global climate change, Landscape and Urban Planning 138:110-117.

Brown, R. D., Vanos, J., Kenny, N., Lenzholzer, S. (2015) Designing urban parks that ameliorate the effects of climate change, Landscape and Urban Planning 138:118-131.

Klemm, W., Heusinkveld, B. G., Lenzholzer, S., Jacobs, M. H., Van Hove, B. (2015) Psychological and physical impact of urban green spaces on outdoor thermal comfort during summertime in The Netherlands, Building and Environment 83:120-128.

Lenzholzer, S., Brown, R.D. (2013) Climate-responsive landscape architecture design education, Journal of Cleaner Production 61: 89-99.

Lenzholzer, S., Duchhart, I., Koh, J. (2013) ‘Research through designing’ in landscape architecture, Landscape and Urban Planning 113: 120-127.

Lenzholzer, S. (2012) Research and design for thermal comfort in Dutch urban squares, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 64: 39-48.

Ren, C., Spit, T., Lenzholzer, S., Yim, H. L. S., van Hove, B. H., Chen, L., Kupski, S., Burghardt, R., Katzschner, L. (2012), Urban Climate Map System for Dutch spatial planning, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18(1):207-221.

Lenzholzer, S., Wulp, N.Y. (2010) Thermal experience and perception of the built environment in Dutch urban squares. Journal of Urban Design 15 (3): 375-402.

Lenzholzer, S., Koh, J. (2010) Immersed in Microclimatic Space- Microclimate Experience and Perception of Spatial Configurations in Dutch Squares, Landscape and Urban Planning 95 (1-2):1-15.

Lenzholzer, S. (2010) Engrained experience – a comparison of microclimate perception schemata and microclimate measurements in Dutch urban squares. International Journal of Biometeorology, 54 (2):141-150.

Lenzholzer, S. (2008) A city is not a building – architectural concepts for public square design in Dutch urban climate contexts. Journal of Landscape Architecture, spring issue: 44-55. 

Books, or contributions to books

Invited (keynote) lectures, workshops and masterclasses (selection)

  • Lenzholzer, S. (2019) Your design creates the urban climate, keynote lecture, Spatial Adaptation for Heat Resilience in Small and Medium Sized Cities, Middelburg, 19.2.2019
  • Lenzholzer, S, (2018) Designing urban climate, invited lecture TU Delft, 26.11. 2018
  • Lenzholzer, S, (2018) Stadsklimaat_ zo werkt het, lecture and workshop, Planterra course for urban management professionals, Nijmegen, 21.11.2018
  • Lenzholzer, Fransje Hooimeijer, Vincent Marchau (2018) Ruimtelijke ontwikkeling- een complex spel, lectures and workshop for urban administration professionals, 4.9.2018
  • Lenzholzer, S, (2018) How design shapes urban climate, Invited talk at 100places: M conference, Munich, 12.10.2018
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2018) Research Through Designing for Liveable Cities, invited lecture, Texas A&M University, 13.4.2018
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2018) Stadsklimaat en woonomgeving, lecture at national headquarters of housing association Portaal, Utrecht, 5.2.2018
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2018) key note: Research through Designing for microclimate, International Conference on Landscape Architecture and Microclimate, Tongji University Shanghai, 26.1.2018
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Masterclass for professionals ‚ontwerpen met stadsklimaat‘, Fontys hogeschool Eindhoven, 13.12.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Kleinschalige ingrepen: adaptatie m.b.t. hitte, CLIMCAP course 29.11.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S.; Cortesão, J. “Really cool prospects? What should urban water bodies of the future look like?” workshop at Teknowlogy festival 2017. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Amersfoort, 09.11.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) key note: Doing research through design in Landscape Architecture, Landscape days, SLU Alnarp, 18.10.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) keynote: The CLIMADAPTOOL project, STRAND conference on architecture, Belgrade, 15.9.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) What is urban climate?, lecture at Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam 31.5.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Designing for urban climate action: capitalizing renewable energy flows, symposium “From model field to power yield”, Wageningen 11.5.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Keynote ‘Stadsklimaatadaptatie -integraal benaderd’ bouwcampus kennisdag, Delft 15.3.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Stadsklimaat in ontwerp en ruimtelijke ordening, Gelderse Studiekring Ruimtelijke Ordening, Wageningen, 15.2.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) New approaches to urban climate-responsive design, lecture at Colloque Qualité environnementale urbaine, Université Toulouse, 23.2.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2017) Urban climate responsive design -inspiring student projects, TU München, Freising, 25.1.2017
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Stadsklimaat-zo gemaakt!’, Inspiratiesessie, Zwolle, 14.12.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S., Cortesão, J. (2016) ‘Realcool project’, Drive conference, Eindhoven, 27.10.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Weather in the city’, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona, 27.9.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Urban climate and public space’ , Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam 13.6.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Stadsklimaat in ontwerp, beleid en beheer van de stad’ , boominfodag, Velp, 9.6.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) 'Healthy urban climate’, Building the future of health conference, Groningen, 2.6.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) 'Making urban climate’ , Österreichische Gesellschaft für Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur, Vienna, 25.5.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Ontwerpen en adaptatie‘, Atelier oost, Deventer, 21.3.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Klimaatverandering en de stad‘, Atelier Flevoland, Lelystad, 7.3.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Wir machen Stadtklima im öffentlichen Raum‘, VDI meeting, Fulda, 18.4.2016 
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2016) ‘Hoe zit dat met het weer in de stad?’ , kubiekeruimte, Brussels, 30.1.2016
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) ‘Leefklimaat’, collegereeks ‘Ruimte en Klimaat’, architectuurcentrum Makeblijde, Houten, 6.11.2015 
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) ‘Het weer in de stad’, Wageningen Alumnibijeenkomst Regio Zuid, Boxtel, 14.10.2015 
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) contribution to MOOC of Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions, 7.10.2015 
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) Reflection on ‘Research through design’, Let’s walk conference, Hannover, 1.9.2015 
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) book presentation at Urban Design Group foundation, London, 20.7.2015
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) ‘Shaping the urban climate’, lecture at Architectural Association School, London, 20.7.2015
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2015) ‘Designing with urban climate’, lecture at Hochschule Münster, 14.1.2015
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2014) ‘How design determines urban climate’, lecture at TU Delft, 11.12.2014
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2014) ‘Landscape AIRchitecture- how design determines urban climate’, lecture at TU München, 13.11.2014
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2014) ‘En hoe is hier het stadsklimaat?’, lecture during Kennisboost conferences 2014, Groningen, Platform GRAS, 6.11.2014
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2014) ‘Who’s leading? Urban climate adaptation in Germany and The Netherlands’, lecture at ReTooling the Trades symposium - ANCB - Aedes Network Campus*, Berlin, 1.7.2014
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2014) book presentation on ‘Studiedag Bioklimatische Architectuur’, Gent, VIBE (Vlaams Instituut voor Bio-Ecologisch bouwen en wonen), 4.6.2014
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2013) ‘Stadsklimaat en thermisch comfortabele stadspleinen’,keynote lecture, symposium ‘Sferen Ontwerpen’, Dordrecht, 31.1.2013
  • Lenzholzer S. (2013) ‘Designing Urban Climate’, webseminar ( for Le Notre, 15.1.2013,
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2012) ‘Stadsklimaat ontwerpen’, lecture at congress ‘ruimte voor gezondheid’, , 15.11.2012
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2012) 'Het groene stadsklimaat', lecture and workshop, BNSP/ NVTL congress, , 8.11.2012
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2012) ‘Food for thought- research through designing’, lecture at doctoral colloquium ELLS, Wageningen, 5.7.2012
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2011) ‘Het kan nog lekkerder’, lecture on slotconferentie Klimaat voor Ruimte Amersfoort, 1.12.2011
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2011)’Stadspleinen en microklimaat’, masterclass during ‘groene golflengte’ conference, Radio Kootwijk, Apeldoorn 11.9.2011
  • Lenzholzer, S. (2011) ‘Fit 4 the future?- smart climate proof public spaces NOW are also fit for a warmer FUTURE’, lecture at C-Change midterm conference (EU-Interreg programme), Frankfurt/ Main 2.3.2011

Interviews in (inter)national newspapers, radio and TV (selection)

  • De Vente, M. (2014) ‘Stad moet koeler’, (interview with S. Lenzholzer), De Telegraaf (woonkrant), Feb. 2014
  • Vandekerckhove, S. (2014) Liever geen eeuwige summer in the city (interview with S. Lenzholzer), de Morgen (BE), 1.2.2014
  • Hendriks, M. (2014) De stad is een groot hittearchipel, (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), Blauwe Kamer, no. 1, pp. 24-28
  • Bosman, A. (2014) Het weer in de stad (radio interview with S. Lenzholzer) Radio EenVandaag, 29.1.2014
  • School, J. (2014) Het waait hier altijd (interview with S. Lenzholzer), Het Parool, 24.1.2014, PS8-PS9
  • Radstaak, H. (2014) Het weer in de stad- voorbeeld Arnhem (radio interview with S. Lenzholzer and M. van Gastel) Vroege Vogels program, 26.1.2014
  • Gulpen, H. (2013) Het is bladstil in tochtgat nummer 1, (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), De Gelderlander, 12.12.2013, pp. 30-31
  • Witman, B. (2013) Hot in the city, (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), Volkskrant, 26.11.2013, pp. 6-7
  • van den Dikkenberg, B. (2013) Bijdrage aan behaaglijke stad (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), Reformatorisch dagblad, 20.11.2013, pp. 4-5
  • Vemer, C. (2013) Het boek: Het weer in de stad (radio interview with Lenzholzer, S.) radio TV Rijnmond 9.11.2013
  • de Zwart, B. (2013) Ontwerpen met stadsklimaat is fun (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), de Architect 1.10.2013, issue okt. 2013, pp. 74-79
  • Pikkemaat,M., van Straten, E., Schaap, J. (2013) Een plein is een plein als er mensen zijn, (interview with Lenzholzer, S. and Meijer, J.), Delta, issue 53, pp. 6 -10
  • Provoost, M. , Lenzholzer, S. (2012) Inspiratie voor koel en groen Tiel, de Gelderlander, 15.1.2012, p 26-27
  • Mulders, A. (2011) Leve de Haagse pleinen! (interview with Lenzholzer, S.) Algemeen Dagblad 17.3.2011, p.5
  • Hendriks, M. (2010) Ontwerpers staan gewoon niet stil bij zon en wind (interview with S. Lenzholzer), Blauwe Kamer issue 3 2010, pp. 12-13
  • van der Laan, M. (2010) Wetenschapper: Op de Grote Markt moeten bomen komen (interview with Lenzholzer, S.) Dagblad van het Noorden, 17.6.2010
  • van Liempt, P. (2010) Pleinen en microclimaat in Nederland (radio interview with S. Lenzholzer), radio BNR, 14.6.2010
  • van der Weij, M.; de Bie, P. (2010) Mooie pleinen, lelijke pleinen (radio interview with Lenzholzer., S.) TROS nieuwsshow, Radio 1,12.6.2010
  • de Pijper, M. (2010) Weg met de kale, tochtige pleinen (interview with Lenzholzer, S.), Trouw, 11.6.2010, pp. 11-12