Smartphone Urban ClimAdApp for Amsterdam

Smartphone Urban ClimAdApp for Amsterdam

2015-2016, funded by Advanced Metropolitan Solutions Institute; project leader: Sanda Lenzholzer, team members: Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Gert Sterenborg, Natalie Theeuwes, Claire Oude Aarninkhof

Measures to counteract urban climate problems often consist of small-scale interventions that add up, but also of larger scale urban planning strategies. For optimal achievements, Amsterdam municipality has to take actions, but also Amsterdam citizens need to modify their houses and gardens. To facilitate such actions and connect citizens, municipality and other organisations for joint efforts, a smartphone app was designed. This tool shows urban climate maps, indicating urban climate problems and potentials for improvement. Additionally, it provides recommendation with location specific interventions for urban climate improvement. This app makes the information to improve the urban climate in Amsterdam easily accessible for everybody.

You can download the app here: