Green Quays Nieuwe Mark

Green Quays Nieuwe Mark, Breda

2019-2022, Breda municipality and EU UIA Programme, project leader: Veerle Hemerik (Breda municipality), contributors from Climatelier: Sanda Lenzholzer, Joao Cortesao in cooperation with the Meteorology and Air Quality group, Wageningen University

Breda is struggling with unsustainable urbanisation, degradation of urban ecosystems, and lack of resilience to climate change. Addressing these challenges, GreenQuays aims at sustainable urban renaturation in Breda using nature inclusive regenerative solutions (green quays linked to public green spaces) as part of a bigger scheme targeting the urban restoration of the river Mark. GreenQuays will test a complex set of transferable and innovative solutions for renaturing urban rivers in dense downtown areas, where there is insufficient space for developing natural riverbanks by developing multifunctional green quays. GreenQuays builds on systemic innovation, integrating climate-responsive, spatially regenerative, restorative, biophilic and economically empowering approaches. The technical solution developed by TU Delft is supported by social innovation, through applying an intensive participatory co-design process, targeting the active engagement of external stakeholders and citizens. This participatory research through design process is led by the Climatelier team.