Massive Open Online Course on Co-creating Sustainable Cities

Massive Open Online Courses AMS

2016 and 2017, non-funded, organized by Advanced Metropolitan Solutions Institute, project leader: Tiemen Nanninga and others

Two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), for the target groups MSc thesis and PhD thesis students, were developed by the Advanced Metropolitan Solutions Institute (AMS). The first MOOC focused on sustainable design and engineering of cities. Sanda contributed with a video-lecture on urban climate responsive design. The second MOOC dealt with co-creation methods. Together with the didactic concept team, Sanda shaped the basis for this course, addressing ideas such as ‘co-creation’ and participatory ‘research through designing’. Joao Cortesao contributed to this MOOC with a video-lecture about our REALCOOL project and its participatory components.

Want to follow one of the MOOCs? Then find more information here.