
CLIMATELIER is a research and design laboratory with a focus on urban climate
linking the science of urban climatology to urban design and planning

CLIMATELIER generates evidence on how people perceive and sense urban climate and microclimate. We pursue urban climate studies from a different angles: we combine a phenomenological and a physical approach in studying microclimate. Consequently, our research methods study both- objective and subjective parameters of people’s perception. We conduct studies with physical measurements and numerical simulations on objective conditions influencing people’s microclimate perception and interviews, observations and mental mapping techniques to depict the subjective side of microclimate perceptions.

CLIMATELIER creates designs and design guidelines and prototypical solutions for professional and academic use. These recommendations are partly based on the evidence we generate in our own studies and partly on evidence from other colleagues. To make such evidence fit for use as guidelines and prototypical solutions we translate purely scientific knowledge into design hypotheses that we test in research through designing processes. The testing criteria reflect our combined phenomenological and physical approach and also criteria inherent to urban design.

CLIMATELIER connects research on urban climate and climate-responsive design to addressing other future challenges in the urban realm: renewable energy, hydrological systems, new mobility and health. We cooperate on urban climate topics in relation to these future challenges with colleagues within Wageningen University & Research and from academia and urban design practice in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Follow these links to learn about projects, people and publications of the Climatelier.